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Article: 3 Reasons to light our Bergamot & Sandalwood ‘It’s a kind of…Magique’ candle this January

BYAM Guides

3 Reasons to light our Bergamot & Sandalwood ‘It’s a kind of…Magique’ candle this January

In need of a little January pick me up? Or perhaps you are just looking to indulge in some low maintenance self care? Let’s face it January can be a tough, long, dark month so any little things that can help your mind re focus for the new year are worth a try! Here are 3 reasons you should light our Bergamot & Sandalwood ‘It’s a kind of… Magique’ candle this month…
  1. Sandalwood is known to create a feeling of relaxation and peace
  2. Bergamot is known to calm anxiety and bring back focus
  3. Both scents combined bring balance and harmony to the mind and are said to uplift the spirit

There have been plenty of studies over the years which have looked into the idea that our sense of smell can have a direct impact on our mood, productivity, and stress levels. The smell of a scented candle stimulates the part of your brain which is connected to memory and emotions. From boosting energy through to relieving stress or even enhancing mental clarity, the healing properties coming from a lighted scented candle can deliver hugely beneficial psychological effects. Aromatherapy and the calming effects of a flickering flame can aid in meditation as you calm your mind.

It is nice to know that the simple act of lighting a candle can be an inexpensive way to boost your mood. We all set such high standards and resolutions for ourselves for the new year, instead of thinking that you need to go to extremes like spa breaks and yoga retreats (although these do sound lovely and very tempting!) something as easy as uplifting your space with a scented candle that brings you comfort can restore some balance and peace for a little while for you to enjoy.

Although we have suggested our ‘It’s a kind of… Magique’ Bergamot & Sandalwood candle due to the benefits these scents have associated to them, we are sure any of our candles will work just as well, especially if you already have a favourite. All of our candles are made using natural wax so either way you will not be burning any nasties in your home and you can enjoy breathing in their diverse scents to make your January that little bit better.

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